DESDM Final Cut data products associated with u-band imaging of dwarfs and GCs. Files are organized by target name and DECam exposure number: -- {target}/{expnum}/ Within each directory are a set of files, the bulk of which are organized by DECam CCD number. The format of these files is: -- D{expnum:08d}_{band}_{ccdnum}_r1p1_{type}.{ext} Where {type} corresponds to the following: -- immasked - Processed images including science, mask, and weight plains -- fullcat - SourceExtractor catalogs for each CCD of each exposure -- pextractorPSFEX - PSFex files used for each SourceExtractor run There are also several zeropoint (ZP) files hanging around. These are generally not validated, and I'd recommend that we need to generate our own ZPs. How to do this calibration is somewhat open, but I think that Douglas Tucker has been having some success calibrating the u-band for DES (maybe using GALEX among other source?). --- bootes_I - contains full products for Bootes I