Files: ------ catalog/cubs-gold2.2-v0.tar.gz - DES data for initial cubs fields catalog/J2245-4931-v0.fits - Catalog for updated field J2245-4931 catalog/cubs-gold2.2-wise-v1.tar.gz - DES x WISE data for cubs fields footprint/* - DES magnitude limit images doc/* - Documentation on DES catalogs DES Columns: ------------ COADD_OBJECT_ID - Unique object identifier ALPHAWIN_J2000,DELTAWIN_J2000 - Best RA,DEC coordinates THETA_J2000 - Position angle WAVG_MAG[ERR]_PSF_[G,R,I,Z,Y] - Weighted average PSF magnitudes (and errors) calculated from a catalog coadd of the individual exposures. These magnitudes are not extinction corrected. MAG[ERR]_AUTO_[G,R,I,Z,Y] - Kron aperture magnitude (and errors) from the coadded images. These magnitudes are not extinction corrected. SOF_CM_MAG_[CORRECTED,ERR]_[G,R,I,Z] - Best galaxy photometry (or error) from a composite model fit to all exposures of a specific object simultaneously. These magnitudes have already had the extinction correction applied. EBV_SFD98 - SFD E(B-V) values at the position of each object A_FIDUCIAL_[G,R,I,Z,Y] - Fiducial reddening corrections for each object in each band (MAG_DERED = MAG - A_FIDUCIAL) EXTENDED_CLASS_* - Extended source classification. The best star galaxy classification comes in the form of EXTENDED_CLASS_MASH_SOF, which combines several classification techniques. EXTENDED_CLASS = -9: Data not available EXTENDED_CLASS = 0: high confidence stars EXTENDED_CLASS = 1: candidate stars EXTENDED_CLASS = 2: mostly galaxies EXTENDED_CLASS = 3: high confidence galaxies FLAGS - We have various quality flags here. Depending on how lenient you want to be with targets, we can discuss which FLAGS to apply. WISE Columns: ------------- WISE column documentation can be found here: