Other Targets


Combined Target Lists for Secondary Programs (Version: v20180929):

Detailed Instructions from Target Contributors:

Quasar Candidates

Contact(s): Paul Martini, Zhefu Yu

Purpose: Obtain spectra sufficient to classify the candidate as a QSO (or not), and, if so, its redshift and line widths (the latter for estimating the mass of the central black hole).


Here is some basic information about each target, as well as priorities:

Pri	ObjID	r-band	RA	DEC
1	520	17.2	325.3	-0.8
2	268	20.6	15.8	-0.2
3	204	19.1	15.2	-0.9

Note the last object is almost certainly a blazar, as there is an SDSS
spectrum. It shows a fairly convincing continuum lag, but no broad lines
(just continuum). We're curious about it, but it is definitely our lowest
priority as we don't have a good way to estimate the BH mass.

Targets: QSOcandidates.csv

Finding Charts: QSO Candidate Finding Chart Page

Tarball: QSOcandidates.tgz

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Last updated: 29 September 2018